Applying proven technology
Argus Products works with key partners to bring innovative and cost effective technical products and solutions to the offshore support sector.
Machining & Fabrication
Building on the proven capability of Aberdeen Based Argonaut Marine,
Argus Products offers a range of locally machined and fabricated products for:
ROV Support:
Deployment Systems, including Argonaut's proven Lock-Latch deployment tool
ROV Intervention Tooling deployment systems
Welded Aluminium fabrication of frames & tooling
Housings machined or fabricated in various materials for use in any water depth
Precision tooled hydraulic components
Water-Jet cutting of precision components and sub-systems
Information Systems
In response to the needs of our key Clients, Argus Products has developed a range of information systems including:
Administrative Tools
Effective offshore personnel management database, incorporating:
Full logging and evaluation of skills & qualifications
Track Offshore certification, including automated reminders of expiry dates
Maintain personnel records, including passports and ID cards
Manage rates & time allocation for invoicing purposes
Business Management System tools, including:
low-cost intergration of Office documents to provide traceability & Control
implementation of complete business management systems & software
Argus Products Ltd is a company registered in Scotland SC432975 at Amicable House, 252 Union Street, Aberdeen AB10 1TN